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California State Board of Pharmacy

Talk to the Expert: Notice to Consumers

Consumers picking up prescriptions at the pharmacy are being encouraged to talk to their pharmacists. The State Board of Pharmacy is reminding Californians that pharmacists are licensed healthcare providers who are there to protect and keep the patient safe. Consumers with questions or concerns regarding their prescription can reduce medication errors by accepting the pharmacy consultation.

By law, a pharmacist is required to talk with the consumer when they pick up a new prescription, a prescription with a new dosage, or medication with new written directions.  Pharmacists can educate consumers on possible side effects and what to do if they occur. Also, they can explain to consumers whether the medication will work safely with other medications or supplements and what food, drinks or activities should be avoided while taking the medicine. “Taking that extra minute to understand your prescription can protect you from medication errors, and in some cases, it could mean the difference between life and death,” said Jason Weisz, Chairperson for the Board’s Communication and Public Education Committee.

In every pharmacy in California, a Notice to Consumer poster is onsite to assist consumers with their rights. The poster includes a QR Code for consumers to scan with their phone if they need the information translated for them, interpreter services are available in the top 16 languages spoken within California.

Every pharmacy in the state must display your rights on the Notice to Consumer poster or display the notice on a video screen accessible to all consumers.

Protect yourself by learning about the medications you are taking. Talk to your pharmacist to prevent medication errors.

Talk to the expert

Before leaving the pharmacy, check that you have the right medication. Taking one minute to read the label can protect you from a medication error.

Talk to the expert

Do you have questions about your medication? Don’t hesitate to ask! As a licensed healthcare provider, pharmacists can answer questions regarding:

  • A missed dose
  • Side effects
  • Medication interactions
Talk to the expert

Have questions about your medication and need assistance in a different language?

Free interpreter services available in 16 languages. Ask your pharmacist for assistance.

Talk to the expert

Remember, California law requires a pharmacist to speak with you when you get:

  • A new prescription
  • New dosage
  • New medication strength
  • New written directions
Talk to the expert