Board of Pharmacy Email Registration

All facilities, pharmacists, intern pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and designated representatives must sign up for subscriber alerts for their license type within 60 days of obtaining a license or at the time of license renewal. Licensees also must update their email addresses with the board within 30 days of any change of email address.

Anyone may sign up for News and Information emails from the Board of Pharmacy. Subscribers will receive alerts about board and committee meetings, activities, rulemakings, laws and regulations, press releases, consumer tips, and other general news and information.

To subscribe or unsubscribe for email notices:

1. Check the appropriate box below.

2. Enter your email address.

3. Click the “Subscribe” option. (If you are no longer licensed and wish to unsubscribe from board notices, click “Unsubscribe.”)

4. A confirmation message will be sent to your email address. Follow the instructions in the message to complete the registration process.

Multiple facilities: To register a centralized email account for multiple facilities, use the “Email Notification from Centralized Owner/Company” form to register a single address for use to receive and forward board notices to all facilities.

*Compounding pharmacies: Facilities that can compound formulations during a declared emergency also may sign up to receive “Emergency Compounding” emails.