Disciplinary Terminology

  • Accusation Filed An accusation is the document containing charges and allegations, that is filed when an agency is seeking to discipline a licensee.
  • Effective Date of Action – The date the disciplinary action goes into operation.
  • PC 23 Order Issued The licensee is restricted from practicing or operating by the terms of court issued under the provisions of Penal Code section 23.
  • Probation – The licensee may continue to practice or operate under specific terms and conditions.
  • Public Reprimand The licensee is issued a public letter of reprimand resulting from a disciplinary action reproving the licensee for violations of the Pharmacy Law.
  • Public Reproval – The license is publicly reproved resulting from a disciplinary action reproving the licensee for violations of the Pharmacy Law.
  • Revocation, or Revoked – The license is canceled and the right to practice or operate is ended due to a disciplinary matter.
  • Stayed – The revocation or suspension is stayed, or postponed, and the licensee is put on probation.
  • Suspension – The licensee is prohibited from practicing or operating for a specific period of time.
  • Suspension/Probation The licensee is prohibited from practicing or operating for a specific period of time and the right to practice or operate is contingent with specific terms and conditions during the probationary period.
  • Voluntary Surrender – The licensee returns his or her license to the board, subject to specific conditions of surrender and acceptance by the board. The license is canceled and the right to practice or operate is ended.