Disciplinary Actions for October 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008

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Facility Licenses

Personal Licenses

Adibi, Afshin, RPH 44301, Administrative Case AC 2347
San Mateo, CA
By decision: Accusation dismissed.  Decision effective 12/26/2008.

Brock, Teresa M. TCH 18119, Administrative Case AC 3147
Armona, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and canceled and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 9/17/2008.

Canales, Amanda L., RPH 44504, Administrative Case AC 3000
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for four years. The terms and conditions of probation are suspended from practicing pharmacy for 60 days, cannot supervise any intern pharmacist, perform preceptor duties or be PIC, and no new ownerhsip of any Board licensed entity. Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Castaneda, Richard O., TCH 51709, Administrative Case AC 3121
Los Angeles, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 11/5/2008.

Crowley, Kenton Lance, RPH 38214, Administrative Case AC 3107
Temecula, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and canceled and the right to practice operate has ended. Decision effective 10/31/2008.

Edington, John, RPH 20579, Administrative Case AC 3123
Sun City West, AZ
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is voluntarily surrendered.  Decision effective 9/17/2008.

Fenix, Lori Ann, RPH 51014, Administrative Case AC 3141
Santa Rosa, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for three years. The terms and conditions of probation are cannot supervise any intern pharmacist, perform preceptor duties or be PIC, practice must be supervised, no ownerhsip of any Board licensed entity. Decision effective 11/5/2008.

Haas, Gregory, RPH 61951, Statement of Issues Case SI 3134
Petaluma, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the Application for Pharmacist Licensure and Examination is granted. The license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for three years. Decision effective 11/3/2008.

Horwitz, Robert, TCH 77802, Statement of Issues Case SI 3163
Walnut Creek, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the Application for Registration as a Pharmacy Technician is granted. The license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for ten years. Decision effective 11/14/2008.

Johnson, Rashandra D., TCH 28563, Administrative Case AC 3060
Long Beach, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 10/23/2008.

Lenzner, Michael, RPH 33245, Administrative Case AC 3000
Carlsbad, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for five years. The terms and conditions of probation are suspended from practicing pharmacy for one year, cannot supervise any intern pharmacist, perform preceptor duties or be PIC, remedial education, no employment at a compounding pharmacy, and no new ownerhsip of any Board licensed entity. Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Lovelace, Kenneth, RPH 35049, Administrative Case AC 2896
Los Angeles, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for five years. The terms and conditions of probation are cannot supervise any intern pharmacist, perform preceptor duties or be PIC, must successfully complete an approved remedial education course, no ownership of any Board licensed entity. Decision effective 11/14/2008.

Martinez, Anthony G., TCH 30168, Administrative Case AC 3148
Long Beach, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Mason, Richard P., TCH 58735, Administrative Case AC 3119
Vista, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on five years probation.  Terms and conditions of probation include suspended from working as a pharmacy technician until passing the pharmacy technician certification exam, and needs a work site monitor.  Decision effective 11/14/2008.

Quinn, David M., TCH 31573, Administrative Case AC 3031
Costa Mesa, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is voluntarily surrendered.  Decision effective 10/23/2008.

Quintanilla, Mayra A., TCH 49672, Administrative Case AC 3077
Los Angeles, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is voluntarily surrendered. Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Ririe, Loren C., RPH 40583, Administrative Case AC 3116
Novato, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on probation for seven years. The terms and conditions of probation are cannot supervise any intern pharmacist, perform preceptor duties or be PIC, practice must be supervised, no ownerhsip of any Board licensed entity, no access to controlled substances, and report of controlled subtances. Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Tidwell, Terrie L., TCH 956, Administrative Case AC 3020
Lawndale, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked, the revocation is stayed and the license is placed on five years probation.  Decision effective 10/23/2008.

Varderesyan, Yervand, TCH 30864, Administrative Case AC 3102
Van Nuys, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 12/3/2008.

York, Jennifer J., TCH 43949, Administrative Case AC 3129
Corona, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 12/3/2008.

Facility Licenses

International Pharmaceutical Services, WLS 2955, Administrative Case AC 2347
San Francisco, CA
By decision: Accusation dismissed.  Decision effective 12/26/2008.

Life Wellness Pharmacy, PHY 45971, Administrative Case AC 3000
Carlsbad, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked.  The revocation is stayed for 90 days.  Decision effective 10/3/2008.

Ringo Pharmacy PHY 35278, Administrative Case AC 2896
Compton, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the board, the license is revoked and the right to practice or operate has ended. Decision effective 11/14/2008.

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