Board Meeting Materials

Agenda Item IV. Discussion and Possible Action Related to Proposed Regulations, Title 16, California Code of Regulations Repeal of Sections 1708.3, 1708.4, 1735 et seq and 1751 et seq and Addition of Sections 1735 et seq, 1736 et seq, 1737 et seq, and 1738 et seq Related to Compounded Drug Preparations, Including Review of Any Comments Received During the 45–Day Comment Period and Regulation Hearing

Board Staff Prepared Summarized Comments With Recommendations

Section 1735 et seq (Non–Sterile)
Section 1736 et seq
Section 1737 et seq
Section 1738 et seq (Radiopharmaceuticals)
General Comments

Agenda Item V. Proposed Amendment to CCR Section 1709.1 Related to Designation of PIC Including Review of Comments from the 15–Day Comment Period

Agenda Item VI. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

Agenda Item VII. Department of Consumer Affairs Update

Agenda Item XI. Discussion and Consideration of the Board's Strategic Plan

Agenda Item XII. Enforcement Committee

Agenda Item XIII. Licensing Committee

Agenda Item XIV. Communication and Public Education Committee

Agenda Item XV. Legislation and Regulation Committee

Agenda Item XVI. Discussion of Proposed Issues to Raise as Part of Sunset Report

Agenda Item XVII. Organizational Committee Development Committee

Agenda Item XVIII. Executive Officer Report

Written Comment #1

Written Comment #2

Written Comment #3