Notification of Temporary Closure

Pursuant to Title 16, California Code of Regulations section 1708.1: Except for Correctional Pharmacies, a permit holder shall notify the board of any temporary closure of a facility as soon as any closure exceeds three consecutive calendar days. Closure dates will be public information. A temporary closure shall not include a routine closure (including weekends or state and federal holidays), unless that closure exceeds four consecutive calendar days.

The licensee is required to complete the renewal application and submit the renewal fees in accordance with Pharmacy Law while the facility is temporary closed.

Note: The Board may cancel the license of a facility that is licensed by the Board if the licensed premises remained closed. “Closed” means not engaged in the ordinary activity for which a license has been issued for at least one day each calendar week during any 120-day period. The Board will communicate with the licensee regarding the status of their closure prior to canceling the license [BPC 4312].

Please complete the following to notify the Board of the facility’s temporary closure and again once the facility has reopened. The notification needs to be submitted by the Owner/Officer/Pharmacist-in-Charge/Designated Representative-in-Charge/Responsible Manager/Professional Director.

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